Honey & More

As a 2013 New York State Award Winning honey recipient we pride ourselves on quality and our client testimonials tell the tail. All products are produced and packaged in Central New York and are Non-GMO, chemically free with no additives or preservatives. As always bee products are fat, sodium, cholesterol and gluten free. Untreated | Unheated| Unprocessed | Unfiltered | Unrefined

Take a look at our Benefits of Bees and Frequently Asked Questions about Bees pages. f you are interested in any of the below please contact us.

Honeybee products and services we offer:

  • Woodenware and NUCs: Are you looking to get your first hive or add on to your current apiary? We can help. We offer competitive pricing on 10 frame beehives and a NUC of honeybees.
    • Options
  • Honey: All natural award-winning honey. All products from Bre’s Bees are 100% pure all-natural and raw. To keep our products as raw as possible we do not pasteurize or filter any of our products.
  • Beeswax is the only naturally existing wax on Earth. Enhance the atmosphere and well being with the help of the bees. A renewable resource, 100% beeswax burns clean and actually emits negative ions that clean the air. It does not contain toxic petrochemicals and burns without soiling smoke or soot. The all natural alternative with a long burning, virtually dripless flame just makes sense. Our wax is heated (but not boiled) to liquid form and double strained with a metal strainer then a fine micron fabric strainer. Make sure to check out our 101 Uses for Beeswax!
  • Propolis: Natures Natural Antiseptic! Honeybees gather resin from certain deciduous trees and carry it to the hive where they mix it with enzymes and beeswax to make propolis. Propolis sterilizes and seals protecting from infection. Propolis has been used for many common ailments such as sore throats, minor cuts, canker sores, tooth aches, cold sores, ulcers, and superficial burns or scalds. Practitioners use propolis for the relief of various conditions, including inflammations, and viral diseases and is also believed to promote heart health, strengthen the immune system and reduce the chances of cataracts. It has been used in natural cough syrup, cough drops, and candy.
  • Honeybee swarm and hive removal services.

WARNING: Do not feed honey to children under one year of age.